Grades Policy

Jeff McCool

Vice President for

(575) 492-2763

Dr. Stephanie Ferguson

Dean of Applied Sciences & Learning Technology

(575) 492-2643

Dianne Marquez

Dean of Arts, Sciences & Learning Support
(575) 492-2841

Dr. Larchinee Turner

Dean of Workforce Training & Professional 492-4711


are based upon the quality of work done, that is, upon actual accomplishment in courses offered for credit. 每门课结束时都会公布学生成绩 semester. 期中初步成绩是为咨询目的而公布的 to students for counseling purposes. The mid-semester grades will not appear on the student’s college record.

Grade Distribution / Letter Grades

Students attending New Mexico Junior College will be evaluated according to the grading scale shown below:
A=90 - 100
B=80 - 89
C=70 - 79
D=60 - 69
F=0 - 59
The appropriate department and / or professor will determine the grade calculations for a course. 详情请参阅课程大纲的那一部分. This 该政策不适用于护理和一些技术/职业课程. Refer to 每个程序的具体评分标准和等级计算使用.

Definition of Letter Grades

A—Superior Honor grade indicating excellence earned as a result of consistently superior examination scores; consistently accurate and prompt completion of assignments; ability to deal resourcefully with ideas; and superior mastery of pertinent skills.
B-高于平均水平的荣誉等级表明由于高而获得的能力 examination scores; accurate and prompt completion of
assignments; ability to comprehend ideas; commendable mastery of pertinent skills; 并承诺在后续课程中继续取得成功.
C—Average Standard college grade indicating successful performance earned as a result of satisfactory examination scores; generally accurate and prompt completion of assignments; ability to comprehend ideas; fair mastery of pertinent skills; and sufficient evidence 保证进入连续课程的能力.
D—Passing Substandard grade indicating the meeting of minimum requirements earned only as a result of low examination scores; generally inaccurate, incomplete, or late assignments; inadequate grasp of ideas; barely acceptable mastery of pertinent skills; or insufficient 有能力参加连续课程的证明.
F—Failing Unsatisfactory grade indicating that the work has been wholly unsatisfactory, and no credit will be given.
I—Incomplete A grade of “I” will be given only when a student has successfully completed a substantial portion of the work, but some unforeseen event occurs which is beyond the student’s control. 工作的很大一部分将是 range of 80-85% or more of the work. 除非无行为能力,否则学生应对此负责 通知讲师该事件,并要求不完整的成绩.
The following Incomplete Grade Regulations apply:
  • 如果符合上述标准,教师和学生进入完成 contract. 合同规定了学生必须做些什么来完成课程 receive a grade. 还必须说明计算最终成绩的方法. 完成这项工作的重担落在学生身上. The instructor will provide 辅助学生完成作业. The instructor, the student, and the appropriate Dean sign the contract. If the student is incapacitated, the student does not have to sign. 一份发给学生、导师和助理 Registrar.
  • The student must complete all course work no later than the end of the next long semester.
  • The instructor specifies on the contract what grade the student will receive if he/she does not complete the required coursework. When the student completes the required coursework, the instructor computes the final grade and turns in a grade change form to the appropriate academic Dean for processing. If no grade change form is processed because the student failed to complete the work in the specified time, the Associate Dean will change the “I” grade into the grade specified on the contract at the end of the appropriate semester.
W—Withdrawal A student who must withdraw or drop from a course must report to the Office 向招生管理处索取有关手续的指引. The student who does not follow the formal procedure may be given an “F” grade in each course irrespective of the withdrawal date. 正式退课的学生将被分配 a “W.学生不得在最后一学期中途退课 常规学期的两周或夏季学期的最后一周.
Audit Students auditing a course must meet course prerequisites, are expected to attend 所有课程,但不要求完成作业. Courses taken for audit will appear on the student’s transcript as AU with no credits recorded and no grades assigned. 为审核而开设的课程不能用于满足课程的先决条件或共同要求.
CR (学分)-有些课程提供学分/无学分. Students must meet all minimum requirements for the course to receive credit. CR is the equivalent of a C or better grade. CR成绩不计算在GPA中,但学生将获得学分 for the course.
NC (No Credit)-In courses taken for CR / NC, students who do not satisfactorily complete minimum course requirements will receive NC. A grade of NC is not computed in the GPA和学生将不会获得课程学分.
P (Pass) / F (Fail)-Some courses are offered as P / F. Students who meet all minimum requirements 这门课的成绩是P,但是这个成绩不计入GPA student will receive credit for the course. In courses taken for P/F, students who 如未能圆满完成最低课程要求,将获F.
S (满意)-有些课程以S / U形式提供. Students who meet all minimum requirements 这门课的成绩是S,但是这个成绩不计入GPA student will receive credit for the course.
U (Unsatisfactory)-In courses taken for S / U, students who do not satisfactorily complete the minimum course requirements will receive U. A grade of U is not computed in the GPA和学生将不会获得课程学分.
注:一些学校、奖学金和荣誉社团不接受CR /NC或S / U分级系统和/或将CR级转换为C级和NC级转换为F级. Likewise S may 可转换为C, U可转换为F. Students planning to transfer to another institution should talk to an academic advisor at that institution about possible consequences of CR/NC grades.

Grade Points


A 4 grade points per credit hour
B 3 grade points per credit hour
C 2 grade points per credit hour
D 1 grade point per credit hour
F 0 grade points per credit hour
W 0 grade points per credit hour

Grade Reports

Students can obtain their grades at the end of each semester through the T-Bird Web Portal. 如果在课程中发布了期中成绩,可以通过 the student’s T-Bird Web Portal account; access to the T-Bird Web Portal is on the 十大正规网赌软件 official web site,


Grade Changes

Any grade change on record with the Office of Enrollment Management will be made only 由教授书面提交,经学校批准 相应的教务长和负责教学的副校长.

Grade Appeals

If a student has reason to believe that a final grade he / she has received is incorrect, 学生必须首先联系教授,非正式地尝试解决问题 在开始正式的、书面的成绩申诉前出具. If no satisfactory resolution is reached, the student may then proceed with the formal, written, grade appeal process, as noted below. 正式的,书面的成绩申诉必须不迟于最后一次开始 day of classes of the first long (regular) semester which follows receipt of the disputed grade. 例如,对秋季完成的课程的成绩提出上诉 semester, the student has until the last day of the following spring semester to begin the written appeal.
  1. 据称,这个分数是基于计算错误.
  2. The grade allegedly did not follow the grading criteria as stated in the course syllabus.
学生有责任证明成绩是错误的 or unjustified. 学生不得就教学方法上的分歧提出上诉, attendance policies, or grade weighting methods. During the term of the course it 学生是否有责任沟通他/她所关心的问题 the course or grade to the Professor.
除非采取适当的上诉步骤,否则上诉不会在任何级别进行审理 followed. Academic Dishonesty issues go through the Academic Dishonesty process, not through the Grade Appeal Process.

Process for a formal, written Grade Appeal

I. Written Appeal to Professor
  1. The student is to obtain the Formal Grade Appeal Form from the Academic Division in 该课程是由哪个课程提供的,还是由教务处提供的.
  2. The student is to contact the Professor and provide the Formal Grade Appeal Form with 上半部分已由学生完成. This is to allow written documentation of reasons for the appeal. 这种与教授的联系可以通过任何方式,包括 person-to-person, letter or e-mail. If the Professor is not available, the student should submit the Formal Grade Appeal Form to the Dean who supervises the Professor. (This information may be obtained from the Registrar’s Office or the Vice President for Instruction’s Office.)
  3. The Professor will complete his/her part of the Form within 10 business days (Monday (星期五)收到学生的表格后.
  4. If the Professor agrees with the student request for grade change, within 5 business days of that decision, Grade Change Form will be initiated by the Professor and submitted to the Registrar.
  5. 如果教授不同意学生的意见,分数保持不变.
  6. The student may either accept the Professor’s decision or advance the appeal to the 在收到申请后的20个工作日内,由相应的教务长负责 Professor’s decision.
II. Written Appeal to the Academic Dean
  1. The student makes a formal, written appeal to the Academic Dean by submitting a copy of the Grade Appeal Form as completed at the previous level, to the appropriate Dean.
  2. The Dean will complete his / her part of the Form within 10 business days of receiving 学生提出的正式的书面申诉请求.
  3. 如果教务长同意学生的改年级要求,则在5年内 在作出决定后的工作日内,院长将启动一份成绩变更表.
  4. 如果院长不同意学生的意见,分数保持不变.
  5. The Student may either accept the Dean’s decision or advance the appeal to the Vice 不迟于收到本文件后的20个工作日内 Dean’s decision.
III. 向副校长请求指示的书面申诉
  1. The student requests a formal, written appeal to the Vice President for Instruction 向副署长提交一份已按上述级别填写的表格副本 President for Instruction.
  2. The Vice President will complete his / her review of the grade appeal request within 10 business days of receiving 学生提出的正式的书面申诉请求.
  3. If the Vice President agrees with the student request for a grade change, within 5 business days of that decision, the Vice President for Instruction will have a Grade Change Form initiated.
  4. If the Vice President does not agree with the student, the grade remains unchanged. 副校长的决定是最终的. No further appeals of this grade may take place.